Email Marketing Best Practices: Boost Your Open Rates & Retain Subscribers

Email marketing is an incredibly powerful and cost-effective way to reach your audience, drive conversions, and nurture long-term relationships with your customers. However, with the average consumer’s inbox overflowing with promotional content, it is more important than ever to create compelling email campaigns that stand out, engage your subscribers, and keep them coming back for more. In this blog post, we will share the latest email marketing best practices for improving your open rates, reducing unsubscribes, and ultimately driving better results for your business.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into these email marketing best practices, providing actionable tips and examples to help your campaigns thrive in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Stay tuned for expert insights and strategies to improve your open rates significantly, keep your subscribers engaged, and, ultimately, drive growth for your business.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Knowing Your Audience: Segment and Personalise Your Campaigns

The first step in any successful email marketing campaign is to have a deep understanding of your target audience. By learning about their needs, preferences, and interests, you can tailor your campaigns to be more relevant and engaging. One way to achieve this is through data-driven methods such as demographic and behavioural segmentation.

Demographic segmentation involves segmenting your email subscribers based on factors such as their age, gender, location, occupation, and income. Behavioural segmentation, on the other hand, focuses on your subscribers’ activity, like their purchasing history, website browsing behaviour, and email engagement. Both methods allow you to create targeted email campaigns based on the specific characteristics and behaviours of each segment.

Once you have segmented your audience, it’s time to personalise your campaigns. Personalisation in email marketing goes beyond merely addressing subscribers by their first name. It involves creating content to cater to each segment’s unique needs and interests, making your emails more relevant and engaging. Tailor your subject lines, images, offers and landing pages to suit each segment, and watch your subscriber engagement grow.

Mastering the Art of the Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers will see when your email lands in their inbox. With inboxes often cluttered, you need to craft a subject line that entices readers to open your email and explore its content.

Start by keeping your subject lines short and sweet – aim for around 50-60 characters. This will ensure your text is not truncated on most devices and email clients. Next, make your subject lines action-oriented by using actionable verbs and create a sense of urgency with words such as “hurry,” “limited-time,” or “exclusive.” Additionally, be authentic and avoid using clickbait or misleading phrases, as this can lead to unsubscribes and damage your brand’s reputation.

It’s also important to test various subject line strategies to understand which ones resonate the most with your target audience. Experiment with personalisation, curiosity-inducing phrases, or emojis to see what elicits the best response from your subscribers.

Designing Emails for Maximum Engagement

An email’s visual presentation can significantly impact the likelihood of your subscribers engaging with its content. To ensure you reap the benefits of a well-designed email, keep these principles in mind:

  1. Hierarchy: Organise your content in a logical sequence that prioritises the most critical elements on top. This format will guide your readers through your email seamlessly and ensure they receive your key messages first.
  2. White Space: Give your email some breathing room by incorporating ample white space. This approach reduces clutter, makes your content more readable, and draws attention to essential call-to-action (CTA) buttons.
  3. Responsive Design: With subscribers increasingly checking their email on mobile devices, embracing responsive design is a must. A well-optimised email will render correctly on different screen sizes, helping to maintain a professional appearance and user experience.
  4. Consistent Branding: Ensure your email design aligns with your overall brand image. Consistent branding helps build trust and recognition with your subscribers.

Below you can see how we applied these principles to our client Bronzed Goddess’s email marketing strategy, emphasising clear hierarchy, ample space, clear call-to-action, and consistent branding. The result was a visually engaging, seamlessly organised, and mobile-friendly email experience for their clients, showcasing the immediate impact of prioritising these design principles.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Boosting Email Deliverability

Even the most engaging content and well-designed email won’t bring results if they don’t reach your subscribers’ inboxes. Follow these email deliverability best practices to ensure your messages land in the right place:

  1. Verify Email Addresses: Use reliable email verification services to remove invalid or non-existent addresses from your email lists. This practice helps improve your sender reputation and email deliverability.
  2. Use a Recognisable “From” Name: Your subscribers should readily recognise your brand from the sender name. Choose a “From” name that is consistent with your brand and other marketing communications.
  3. Monitor Your Sender Reputation: Sender reputation is vital for email deliverability. Keep an eye on factors such as your bounce rate, spam complaints, and email authentication to ensure your sender reputation remains healthy.
  4. Be Compliant: Familiarise yourself with anti-spam laws in Australia, such as the Spam Act 2003, and ensure your campaigns comply with these regulations. This adherence will help reduce the chance of your emails being filtered as spam and improve your overall deliverability.


Implementing these email marketing best practices will help you create compelling campaigns that positively impact your open rates and reduce unsubscribes. By understanding and catering to your audience’s preferences, crafting catchy subject lines, designing visually appealing and easy-to-digest emails, and ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients, you can maximise your email marketing’s effectiveness. Stay diligent in monitoring your campaign results and evolving your strategies based on subscriber feedback and data. Contact Digital Influence for a well-executed email marketing campaign. Our digital marketing agency will make sure that you’ll not only see increased engagement but, ultimately, a more loyal customer base and boosted sales for your business. Get in touch with our team today. 

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